Thursday, June 16, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Friday Hot Links - 4/8/11
Friday is here, and I cannot wait for the weekend, although I'll have to do some grass cutting. We'll be dusting off the crawfish nets tomorrow morning and taking them to the honey island swamp to catch a few mud bugs. I'm not sure how much success we'll have as it was a little cool earlier in the week, and crawfish crave warm weather. Either way, it will be fun to get out and give it a go.
Here are today's hot links:
- How to clean a pit full of cobras, nonchalantly at that. [Youtube]
- A 29 year old man is responsible for 21 kids. I don't care how you slice it, that is a plethora of baby mommas. [KSCB News]
- Can you guess the name of these 50 movies with only 3 pictures to use as hints?
Friday, April 1, 2011
Friday Hot Links - 4/1/11
Happy April Fool's Day today!!! The blog has been neglected as of late, but hopefully I can settle down and focus on bringing you guys the content that everyone enjoys so much. I've had alot going on the past few weeks and I look forward to the opportunity to share some stories with everybody. In the past few weeks, I've moved into a new building, bought a car, received an excruciating sunburn, and have looked into the possibility of purchasing more rental property. Hopefully, each adventure will turn into some form of article. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and watch out for the pranks coming today!!
Here are today's hot links:
Here are today's hot links:
- Ever wonder how many nuclear bombs have gone off in the world? This site gives a timeline and light show of nuclear blasts by location and country. Definitely puts things into perspective. [Scientific American]
- Talk about a Super Bowl hangover for this one Pittsburgh fan. [AP]
- A great video of the flight paths of every flight that takes place in the world. It is amazing how much the US and Europe contributes to air traffic. [E-newsletter]
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Don't be a bully or you'll get power bombed
Yesterday, March 14th, a video was posted on Youtube showing some scrawny looking kid bullying a much larger kid (aka Casey). The antagonizing continues on in the form of throwing insults as well as punches. Obviously, everybody has a breaking point, and we get to witness that breaking point on video. Unfortunately, Youtube has taken upon a crusade to remove this video from there site even though it keeps popping up.
The video has been posted on Liveleak however, and you can see it here.
Also, it has been reported that Casey has since been suspended for his actions. An account of the events that transpired that day can be found here.
The video has been posted on Liveleak however, and you can see it here.
Also, it has been reported that Casey has since been suspended for his actions. An account of the events that transpired that day can be found here.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday's Hot Links - 3/11/11
Happy Friday everyone!! I must apologize to my loyal followers, as I have neglected the blog lately. We have currently been in the market for a new vehicle as our old one pooped out on us, and I have been devoting most of my free time at work scouring the internetz looking for tips, advice, and strategies to take to the dealership. The process seems to be coming to a head as we have settled on a vehicle that we both like and can afford. Hopefully, once this is behind me, I can refocus and give my single digit subscribers better content. Until then, the Friday Hot Links will have to suffice!
Here are today's hot links:
- I enjoy a Fail compilation video as much as the next guy. Here is good one that I've never seen before. [Youtube]
- If you have ever suffered from insomnia, then I'm sure you've seen the show "Cheaters". Here is what happens when an episode of Cheaters interrupts your league kickball game. [Deadspin]
- When starting a fight, it's best not to be the first one knocked out. Also, refrain from wearing a jersey with the number 69 on it. Fight!!![Gawker]
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friday's Hot Links - 2/25/11
The last weekend in February is upon us, and is it me, or does this year seem to be flying by. At least, we'll be leaving the winter months and heading into the spring months soon.
Sara and I will be participating in the Mona Lisa Moon Pie Parade tonight. We walked in the parade last year and had a great time, and I'm expecting the same results this year. We are stocked up on Moon Pies and are ready to throw to the crowds. Some bar hopping will be in order after the official festivities are over with.
Here are today's hot links:
Sara and I will be participating in the Mona Lisa Moon Pie Parade tonight. We walked in the parade last year and had a great time, and I'm expecting the same results this year. We are stocked up on Moon Pies and are ready to throw to the crowds. Some bar hopping will be in order after the official festivities are over with.
Here are today's hot links:
- I've always thought that gold teeth were a waste of money, until I read this article. I'll have my gold choppers in by next week! [NOLA]
- With baseball spring training starting, I decided to find the top 10 worst baseball cards of all time. Mickey Mantle, these guys aren't. [PopHangover]
- Louisiana, in my opinion, has always gotten a bad name with being a bunch of backwoods drunks. Well, this collection of photos from a parade in West Monroe isn't doing us any favors. [The News Star]
- Quite possibly the worst dive in the history of soccer. [Big Lead Sports]
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Disc Golf - Buccaneer State Park (Waveland, MS)
About a month ago, I wrote a review about the disc golf course at City Park in New Orleans. Well, a few weeks back my brother and I decided to venture into Mississippi to play at the course at Buccaneer State Park. I was thinking about trying to compare the two parks, but it is difficult because they both are unique in their own way.
With the course at Buccaneer, the first 5 holes are on the shorter end, but you must navigate a multitude of trees en route to the basket. After you weave your way through beginning holes, the course opens up with wide open space, but the distances to the basket become more extreme. In addition to the increased length, the wind is a major factor as the course lies close to the Gulf of Mexico (check out a map). The holes stay long all the way until hole 18 (which is an afterthought in my opinion).
The only drawback to the course is that it is in the middle of nowhere. Unlike City Park, there isn't a plethora of local eateries to go to after finishing a round. Every time that I've been, I just drive back to Slidell and grab a bite to eat there.
Making a trip to Waveland will definitely be a good experience for disc golfers of any expertise that are looking to improve on their long game, just make sure to pack a lunch or eat before you go.
With the course at Buccaneer, the first 5 holes are on the shorter end, but you must navigate a multitude of trees en route to the basket. After you weave your way through beginning holes, the course opens up with wide open space, but the distances to the basket become more extreme. In addition to the increased length, the wind is a major factor as the course lies close to the Gulf of Mexico (check out a map). The holes stay long all the way until hole 18 (which is an afterthought in my opinion).
The only drawback to the course is that it is in the middle of nowhere. Unlike City Park, there isn't a plethora of local eateries to go to after finishing a round. Every time that I've been, I just drive back to Slidell and grab a bite to eat there.
Making a trip to Waveland will definitely be a good experience for disc golfers of any expertise that are looking to improve on their long game, just make sure to pack a lunch or eat before you go.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday Hot Links 2/18/11
Happy Friday everyone!! The first hint of spring is in the air, as we had temperatures in the 60's all this week. The change was much needed, although, I'm sure we'll be getting some cooler weather before the season officially changes.
What does everyone have on tap for this weekend? I'll be dusting off the old golf bag and hitting the links. Lately, I've been playing alot of disc golf, so going out to play some ball golf will be a nice change of pace.
Have a fun and safe weekend!!
Here are today's Hot Links:
What does everyone have on tap for this weekend? I'll be dusting off the old golf bag and hitting the links. Lately, I've been playing alot of disc golf, so going out to play some ball golf will be a nice change of pace.
Have a fun and safe weekend!!
Here are today's Hot Links:
- A crazy dance-off between two kids. If I could learn half of these moves, I'd be lights out on the dance floor. [Youtube]
- If you do a really good job at Wal-Mart, they will fire you for it. [AOL News]
- If you are in the mood to blow your mind, here is a site that shows he fabric of space and time, all the way to the estimated size of the universe itself. [Primax Studio]
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
New Year's Resolutions
Congratulations, we've made it through the first month of the new year. How has everyone been keeping up with their New Year's Resolutions (NYR)? I only made one NYR, and that was to show up to work on time every morning. I'm happy to report that my record in 2011 is unblemished. While I'm still in the infancy of my NYR, I must admit, my goal has been easier than I would have imagined. I pictured an epic struggle between my warm, cozy bed and my determination to make good on my resolution. The battle has been somewhat of a let down. I've merely just set my alarm clock to go off a half hour earlier, and now I have plenty of time in the mornings. The resolution has been a blessing in disguise.
Typically, my mornings in 2010 started with hitting the snooze button about 3 times, then a mad dash through the house, a quick shower, throw on some clothes, and then fly out of the house. The whole process was rushed, and starting the day off stressing over getting ready was not ideal. Fast forward to now, and my mornings start off with getting up with out hitting the snooze, a nice long shower, getting ready at leisure, and then I'm usually left with 15 minutes to grab some breakfast or read through my emails.
I know that I have a long way to go before I start patting myself on the back, but maybe a toot of my horn is in order for now. What were your New Year's Resolution, and have you been able to not break them?
Typically, my mornings in 2010 started with hitting the snooze button about 3 times, then a mad dash through the house, a quick shower, throw on some clothes, and then fly out of the house. The whole process was rushed, and starting the day off stressing over getting ready was not ideal. Fast forward to now, and my mornings start off with getting up with out hitting the snooze, a nice long shower, getting ready at leisure, and then I'm usually left with 15 minutes to grab some breakfast or read through my emails.
I know that I have a long way to go before I start patting myself on the back, but maybe a toot of my horn is in order for now. What were your New Year's Resolution, and have you been able to not break them?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday Hot Links 2/11/11
Alright, made it through another work week. Hopefully, February will pass by quick so we can start heading into some warmer weather. I know that we don't have it that bad down here in LA, but the weather is still a little chilly for my taste.
Everyone have a safe and fun weekend, and Happy Valentine's Day!!
Everyone have a safe and fun weekend, and Happy Valentine's Day!!
Here are today's hot links:
- There are literally thousands of game shows that have come and gone throughout the years. This show, Total Blackout, seems to have some staying power. [Youtube]
- Are you smarter than a U.S. diplomat? [CSMonitor]
- Imagine a place where toting a purse around distinguishes your social class. That place is China. [LA Times]
- If you are in the market for business cards, and want to stand out from the crowd, look no further. [TechCrunch]
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Worst National Anthems
Raise your hand if you were in front of a TV set watching the Super Bowl last night? Okay, put your hand down. Well if you were like most Americans on Sunday night, then you got to witness Christina Aguilera butchering the National Anthem. But would you say that was the worst National Anthem performance ever? Hardly. While, she did forget a line in the song, she still does have vocal talent, and was able to bring it home in the end. Let's take a look at the top 5 Worst National Anthems in sports history.
Honorable Mention:
This guy gets an Honorable Mention nod for two reasons. First, this is not a sporting event. Second, he is not a singer, but c'mon man, you still need to know the words!
No. 5:
To Michael Bolton's credit, he did sing all the words in the anthem correctly, his only snafu was that he needed a cheat sheet to get through it. Get back to covering "When a Man loves a Woman", for the 1 millionth time.
No. 4
Christina manages to find her way on the list, even though she has sung the National Anthem beautifully several times before. In a world of "what have you done for me lately", her recent rendition wasn't quite up to par.
No. 3
Carl Lewis the athlete is who we will always remember, not Carl Lewis the singer. The sad part is that he probably really thinks that he sings well. Go back to the long jump Carl, and leave the singing to the pros.
No. 2
This was a tough one. This video had all the symptoms of a No.1 spot, messing up the anthem twice, not finishing the song, then slipping on your butt, but there are a couple factors working in her favor. First, she is at a hockey game, which nobody cares about but Canadians. Secondly, there is a 50% chance that she is Canadian, which gives her a pass for not knowing the words.
No. 1
Roseanne takes the crown in this contest. I will admit, she got all the words right, but her shrieking voice sounds worse than nails on a chalk board. The person that decided that she would be a good fit to sing the National Anthem is hopefully still not employed.
Honorable Mention:
This guy gets an Honorable Mention nod for two reasons. First, this is not a sporting event. Second, he is not a singer, but c'mon man, you still need to know the words!
No. 5:
To Michael Bolton's credit, he did sing all the words in the anthem correctly, his only snafu was that he needed a cheat sheet to get through it. Get back to covering "When a Man loves a Woman", for the 1 millionth time.
No. 4
Christina manages to find her way on the list, even though she has sung the National Anthem beautifully several times before. In a world of "what have you done for me lately", her recent rendition wasn't quite up to par.
No. 3
Carl Lewis the athlete is who we will always remember, not Carl Lewis the singer. The sad part is that he probably really thinks that he sings well. Go back to the long jump Carl, and leave the singing to the pros.
No. 2
This was a tough one. This video had all the symptoms of a No.1 spot, messing up the anthem twice, not finishing the song, then slipping on your butt, but there are a couple factors working in her favor. First, she is at a hockey game, which nobody cares about but Canadians. Secondly, there is a 50% chance that she is Canadian, which gives her a pass for not knowing the words.
No. 1
Roseanne takes the crown in this contest. I will admit, she got all the words right, but her shrieking voice sounds worse than nails on a chalk board. The person that decided that she would be a good fit to sing the National Anthem is hopefully still not employed.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday Hot Links 2/4/11
Here are today's hot links:
- Ever wonder what type of TV shows are on during the day while you are at work? Here a several screenshots of what you are missing out on. *Side note: Darren is my favorite. [You might like this]
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Working out - Steam Room
Sara and I have been hitting the gym up lately, and I must admit, I constantly find myself in the steam room after working out. I don't know if there are any added health benefits to spending 10 minutes in the steam room, but I always feel so relaxed upon leaving.
Due to Sara not getting home until after 6:00pm on some days, we often go to the gym later than most, so leaving the gym relaxed definitely aids me in getting to sleep quicker at night. Also, I have noticed that my sinuses become less severe after I get into a habit of frequenting the steam room. My face seems to stay cleaner and doesn't dry out as much during winter. My theory is that the steam opens up the pores on the face and gets rid of the dirt and grime that is tough to expel from simple washing. Could be hocus pocus for all I know, but I guess if it isn't broke don't fix it. Can anybody out there back up my claims, or am I just gorging on sugar pills?
My only complaint about the steam room at our gym is that it never seems to be hot enough, or steamy enough for that matter. Imagine how much more relaxed and less congested I could be if the steam room was working at full capacity.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday Hot Links 1/28/11
The weekend is fast approaching and as usual, we all sit behind our desks and look for ways to kill time until we can punch the clock and start our weekend getaway.
This brings up an interesting question, which day is the most productive of the work week? I would say that Monday and Friday are both out of the running. With Monday, you are just getting back from the weekend and are typically recapping with co-workers about the previous days festivities. Friday, everybody is gearing up for the 2-day holiday, and is more concerned about making plans than accomplishing goals.
This leaves Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. For me personally, Thursday is the most productive because I'm trying to wrap up anything hanging over my head so that Friday will be a breeze. According to a study though, most work is being done on Tuesdays.
Here are today's hot links:
This brings up an interesting question, which day is the most productive of the work week? I would say that Monday and Friday are both out of the running. With Monday, you are just getting back from the weekend and are typically recapping with co-workers about the previous days festivities. Friday, everybody is gearing up for the 2-day holiday, and is more concerned about making plans than accomplishing goals.
This leaves Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. For me personally, Thursday is the most productive because I'm trying to wrap up anything hanging over my head so that Friday will be a breeze. According to a study though, most work is being done on Tuesdays.
Here are today's hot links:
- Ever wanted to become a professional beer expert? Here is a how to guide on becoming certified connoisseur of the all things beer. [Fox News]
- There are certain things in life we will never experience. Fishing with thousands of people in one small lake is one of them. Not having to catch food like this, definitely puts things into perspective on how good we have it. [Youtube]
- NASA will commemorate three space tragedies this week, which also marks the 25th anniversary of the shuttle Challenger accident that killed seven astronauts. [SPACE]
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Disc Golf - City Park (New Orleans)
After many trips to Waveland to play in the only disc golf course in the area, we finally have a new course close by to play. That course is City Park in New Orleans. The actual disc golf course is located in between I-610 and the track by Tad Gormley (Palm Drive runs through the course).
This course is perfect for the average disc golf player (which I classify myself as). Several holes offer water hazards, trees to maneveur around, and some pedistrians to avoid. I suggest bringing a couple extra discs, because there are plenty of water hazards that are just unavoidable to throw over. Depending on the size of your party, the course takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to play. I'd recommend getting an early start in the morning (9:00am-ish) because the course tends to get crowded as the day progresses.
Another benefit about this course is that it is located in the heart of Mid-City, which provides plenty of eating oppurtunities after a round. May I suggest Fellini's Cafe or Parkway Bakery & Tavern. If you end up at Parkway, you'd be doing a disservice to yourself if you didn't order the Parkway Surf & Turf, a mouthwatering poboy with roast beef, fried shrimp, and roast beef gravy poured on top. A nice way to replinsh all those calories burnt from playing disc golf (that is how I justify it!).
If you live in or around the New Orleans area (Northshore included), don't pass up an oppurtunity to experience a disc golf course that will satisfy your throwing needs.
This course is perfect for the average disc golf player (which I classify myself as). Several holes offer water hazards, trees to maneveur around, and some pedistrians to avoid. I suggest bringing a couple extra discs, because there are plenty of water hazards that are just unavoidable to throw over. Depending on the size of your party, the course takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to play. I'd recommend getting an early start in the morning (9:00am-ish) because the course tends to get crowded as the day progresses.
Another benefit about this course is that it is located in the heart of Mid-City, which provides plenty of eating oppurtunities after a round. May I suggest Fellini's Cafe or Parkway Bakery & Tavern. If you end up at Parkway, you'd be doing a disservice to yourself if you didn't order the Parkway Surf & Turf, a mouthwatering poboy with roast beef, fried shrimp, and roast beef gravy poured on top. A nice way to replinsh all those calories burnt from playing disc golf (that is how I justify it!).
If you live in or around the New Orleans area (Northshore included), don't pass up an oppurtunity to experience a disc golf course that will satisfy your throwing needs.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday Hot Links - 1/21/11
The weekend is fast approaching, and I've decided to roll out a (hopefully) weekly segment where I post some interesting (IMO) links that might provide some time to kill during the work day.
So what do you guys have on tap for the weekend? I'll be heading down to New Orleans for the weekend. Things get started on Saturday morning at the City Park disc golf course, then Sara and I will go to our friends, Julie and Mike's engagement party. Not sure where the night will take us after that, but I'm positive I won't be too productive come Sunday morning. Everyone have a safe and fun weekend!!
Here are today's hot links:
- You know the world is going in the shitter when, Rambo stabs a dog in the neck with a samurai sword. [Mlive]
- How would you like to receive a free washing machine? The only catch is that it contains the remnants of a meth lab that will explode and burn your face off. [WAFB]
- For some reason, these links have not shed a positive light on the human race. Might as well keep the trend going with this youtube clip of a guy giving his best Old School impression. [Youtube]
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Beginning of the beginning
After not too much deliberation, I decided to stick my toes into the blog-o-sphere. I've done some writing in the past for the uber informative fantasy football site, The Hazean, but this blog shall be more of an open platform to talk about everyday life.
So until my next post, this little introduction will have to do for the time being. Be on the lookout for post No. 2!!
This didn't start off as a New Year's resolution, but hopefully, I can stick with the blog throughout the year. I suppose I'll need readers to keep things interesting, otherwise I'm just typing into the vastness that is cyberspace. I think a good goal for this blog would be to average 2 posts a week for the remainder of the year. Not a torrid pace, but demanding enough to keep me and you interested.
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